Small Business Success Series:

The Quarterly

Q3 ➡️ Q4

September 24th, 2024

On Zoom, 10-12 CST

Who is The Quarterly For?

Business Owners Who Want to Grow and Scale.

Reverse engineer your success by looking back at Q3 then designing Q4.

Here’s a special message from Bradley Hamner:

Ditch month over month growth and begin to design the systems and processes your business and team need to create growth and scale. Quarterly planning empowers you as the owner to set the vision, direction, and key targets that you need to reverse engineer the business you truly desire.

The Best Part? This 2 Hour Workshop with Bradley Hamner and other business owners is totally free. Save your seat!

You’re tired of month over month growth that does little for your business or your life.

That’s Why We Created The Quarterly.

Using the BlueprintOS Clarity Organizer during The Quarterly, we will…

  • Review wins and lessons from Q3

  • Revisit and reverse engineer your 3 Year Vision, 1 Year OKRs, and Quarterly Plan

  • Identify Q4 Targets

  • Prioritize Q4 goals

  • Design a plan to accomplish those goals and hit those targets

  • Learn the Blueprint for Success

Register for The Quarterly on September 24th.

Register in 60 seconds for access to this powerful event!

Meet Your Host

Bradley started his first business in 2009 with no customers, no leads and very little cash but he did have a desire to win and succeed.

After working around the clock for 5 years, Bradley had a health scare in his 30s. Knowing something had to change, he focused on building his leadership first, and then he began “architecting” his business to work for him.

This began his journey of solving The Rainmaker’s Dilemma in his own business. As he found the results, it grew his passion to show others how to do the same.

Now, Bradley is a Business Growth Coach who shows other entrepreneurs & business owners how to become the architects of their business.